Wednesday, December 26, 2012

True Scale Map Books in Map3D revisited...

Finally Fixed the link to creating True Scale Map Books in Map3D. You can find the post here with the link at the bottom!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

SSD is Awesome

Just got an SSD for my Laptop today, freaking awesome. My 10min startup is now 18sec and my 5min shutdown is now 11sec! Installing SQL and AUD to see how good it really works!

My IT dept. is the best!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Autodesk Basejump - Bing in your FDO!

Autodesk Labs released an FDO provider for Map3D and Civil that allows you to use Bing maps as a background!

It is very cool, but not supported on AutoCAD Utility Design yet, but if you want to use it on AUD install it on Map or Civil3D first and then you can grab the FDO files and copy them to the AUD install. From my testing it seems to work fine, but it is beta product and not supported at all in AUD.

What you need to do:

Bing Maps FDO:

Files to move (also attached) in \bin\FDO:
Project Basejump About Box.txt


Oracle imp/exp blues...

What a day. Syntax is everything. A file path, that's all that was missing. So, next time you are importing and Oracle .dmp file (the old style, not the newer dp style) here is the simple syntax:

imp SYSTEM/password@orcl file=C:\WhereEverYouPutIt\file.dmp full=y log=imp.log
 This did it. It seems that the Oracle imp command does not look in the default DMPDP folder like impdp does.
