Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Switching and GIS

I'm back to my old ways, months without blogging!

So this is a GIS blog right? In my new position I will be applying GIS theories and technologies to large Network mangagement (SONET, Ethernet, 10/100Gig, element management, bandwidth management, etc) in the near future, but for now I am managing the biggest project of my career...

Switchs are fun! I am installing a couple of Taqua 7000 Class 5 Switchs in our network and they are replacing an older technology, this is the heart of our network and it affects everyone in the company at some level. I am the project manager and keeping all of this projects "ducks in a row" is proving a great challenge and pushing my perspective of stress.

It is an awesome responsibility to come into this project just after being hired and it is great OJT, which is how I learn best!

Here is what the switch looks like:

With that I will leave you until next time!
