Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Toy

I also picked up a new toy. A little factoid about my self: this is my 36th vechicle! Of those 36 I have only had two at any given time and I have only lost money on about 5 of them!

What is it you ask????

1985 Toyota LandCruiser FJ60!

This one is a keeper as we like to get out and explore the back country of the Sierra Nevadas. It will be a work in progress...

I will keep you updated.


I have landed!

Hello all,

I have landed. In my few weeks between jobs I learned that "Jeremiah is a Consultant" is a synonym for "Jeremiah is Unemployed"! Now this is true for me, not a statement about consultants in general. I learned that it wasn't going to work for my family and I.

So, the kind folks at Ponderosa Telephone, my previous employer, had a spot open and felt that I had the qualifications and capabilities to fill it successfully. I plan on being here for a long long time...

I am glad to be back!
